Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to some of our most asked questions below
How much does Head Start cost?
There is no cost for Head Start. Families must meet eligibility requirement.
What documents do I need to bring to my screening appointment?
Income Tax Statement for the year: W-2 Form
Pay Check Stub
Or Anything that will enable us to determine the prior twelve (12) months gross income or the last calendar year income.
12 Months of Child Support (if applicable)
SSI Letter (if applicable)
Foster Care/Kinship Care Documentation (if applicable)
- SNAP Benefits award letter
Child’s Birth Certificate
Social Security Number for the Enrolling Child (if applicable)
Child’s Immunization Record
Name, Address, Telephone Numbers of Doctor, Dentist and any Specialists.
Child’s Badger Card or Insurance Card
How do I get my child enrolled into Jefferson County Head Start?
You will need to contact Jefferson County Head Start at: 920-674-6127 or 920-674-5577.
Jefferson County can provide you with the required enrollment application forms and answer your questions about the program and your child’s involvement.
How old does my child have to be to enroll in Head Start?
- Child’s family income is at or below the federally determined poverty guideline
- Child’s family is receiving public assistance (TANF, SSI or SNAP)
- 10% of the total enrollment for the program may be over the Federal Poverty Guidelines
- Child’s family is experiencing homelessness, or
- Child is in foster care or kinship care
Does my child have to be potty trained to be in Jefferson County Head Start?
No, our staff will work with you to help in the potty training process.
My child has a Disability / Special Need can I enroll my child in Head Start?
I live in a different County; can I enroll my child in Head Start?
Does Head Start provide meals for their students?
All children enrolled in Head Start classrooms receive a breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack at no charge to parents.
My child has a food allergy how does Jefferson County Head Start handle this?
The Head Start Nutritionist will work with you to develop a menu your child can eat at Head Start.
May I come into my child's class to see what my child does in Head Start?
You may come to see your child at Head Start; we have an open door policy.
Does Head Start provide transportation for its students?
Jefferson County Head Start busses operate throughout the county providing transportation within a pre-designated radius from the center. Transportation may be available on a limited basis. Parents should inquire about transportation when enrolling their child.